About bECOsy

Hello, my name is Rebecca and I am the founder of bECOsy®.
We are a small family run business that was set up by myself as I wanted to be at home to look after our 2 small children.
I used to do shift work and decided not to go back to this after having the children as I wanted to see them grow up and be there for them when they needed me. I was fortunate enough to be able to start up bECOsy®.
A while back I was told that every vegan saves nearly 200 animals per year. There is simply no easier way to help animals and prevent suffering than by choosing to live a vegan lifestyle.
Our products are ethically made and to a very high standard. We do not produce anything that we would not want to receive or use ourselves. A lot of care, attention to detail and thought has gone into the design of our products, even down to the packaging.
Our family dog Duggee is featured on our social media pages, packaging, pamphlets and selling platform – he is a very cheeky chappy and a real poser!!
We hope you love our products as much as we do, please feel free to get in touch if you have any questions – we are always here to help.
Rebecca B - Founder